CrossFit WOD, August 2, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, August 2, 2022




2 rounds of
10 wrist rotations
10 elbow rotations
10 arm swings
10 legs swings
1 rounds w/ empty barbell
5 Good mornings
5 elbow rotations
5 strict press
5 RDLs
5 front squats
5 hang Power Clean + split jerk

Specific Prep


W/ empty bar or PVC: 3-5 practice reps of each movement:
Tall Clean, Hang Power Clean/Hang Squat Clean, Jerk Balance and Split Jerk
Goals for today's weightlifting is proper movement and speed, not really loading. These drills are less effective if load is too heavy for them to move well and fast. Percentage-wise, use their Split jerk 1RM and look to stay in the 30-40% of that as a good starting spot. Small build from last week.
Add some weight to bar (still very light) or go empty bar for 1 set of:
Tall Clean + hang Power Clean/Hang Squat Clean + jerk balance + split jerk (w/ 2s hold at land)

Demo videos:
Tall Clean From toes, fast pull under bar, landing in a full front squat.
Jerk Balance



Tall Clean + Hang Power Clean + Jerk Balance + Split Jerk (; every 1:00 x 8 sets )

*pause 2s in split landing position of Split Jerk

Tall Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk Balance + Split jerk (; every 1:00 x 8 sets)

*pause 2s in split landing position of Split Jerk
*all reps full squat clean variation

Specific Prep


5-10 practice reps of each movement, slow and controlled to ensure perfect ROM and execution



F.O.E. (Time)

4 sets for QUALITY (or 18:00 AMRAP)
12 Push Ups
5 strict Pull Ups
9 strict Bar Dips
5 strict Pull Ups
6 strict HSPU (up to 2 abmats)
5 strict Pull Ups
OPEN(RX+): Deficit Push-ups (on DBs or plates) + strict Ring Dips + strict HSPU (head/hands level)

GOAL: Perfect execution and ROM today...even if it means a few less reps or not finishing under time cap.
GOAL: keep time between 3:00-4:15/round to complete under cap, but again today is 100% about accumulating QUALITY reps of all these strict gymnastic to continue to help build our base

Strict HSPU: HSPU negatives (2-3/round), Box or Pike Push Ups (same number) or DB strict Press (heavy)
Dips: use a band, move to bench dips (with one or both feet on ground or elevated)

F.O.E. (BUILD) (Time)

4 sets for QUALITY (or 18:00 AMRAP)
12 Push Ups to box/bench -or- band assist. push ups
10 Ring Rows -or- 5 strict banded Pull Ups
9 Bench Dips
10 Ring Rows -or- 5 strict banded Pull Ups
6 Dual DB Press (heavy)
10 Ring Rows -or- 5 strict banded Pull Ups

Cool Down/Stretch


Foam roll upper back, forearms, lats 5:00

EXTRA Competitor WOD

First Timer work
Best if A and B are done after class WOD

Clean + hang Clean + Split Jerk (in 10:00 build to a tough complex)

Metcon (Time)

3-4 rounds @ grindy pace
10 Dual DB Deadlifts
5 Dual DB Hang Power Cleans
3 Dual DB Shoulder to OH
Rest 1:00
Load: Use 35/25 or slightly heavier
Goals is unbroken set of all 18 reps, so once you pick up DBs try to go all the way through.

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