CrossFit WOD, February 1, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, February 1, 2022



7:00 AMRAP
10 Alt Goblet Cossack Squats
10 Hollow Rocks
:10sec Hollow Hold
6 Hang Muscle Snatch
6 BTN Snatch Grip Push Press

Specific Prep

3 Sets, working up in weight
Snatch Lift Off + Snatch + Overhead Squat
Pause Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat



Snatch + OHS + Hang Snatch + OHS ( x 8 sets; every 90s)

*full squat snatches today
*start @ 60% of limiter and increase

Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Power Snatch + OHS ( x 8 sets; every 90s)

Build to a tough set for the day

Segmented Snatch DL + Hang Power Snatch + OHS (1.2.1 x 80 sets; every 90s)

Goal is just getting good positions and fast/snappy reps today, so keep weight in the light/moderate zone today for all sets

Specific Prep

3-4 sets Every 90s
1 Devils press
3-4 BMU/PULL UP progressions/practice/build
* build up to workout weigh on DBs and progress through to work out movement for gymnastics (pull up/BMU/etc.)



Pillars of Hercules (Time)

2 Rounds for Time (18:00 TIME CAP)
22 Pull-Ups
11 Devils Press 35/25#
22 Toe to Bar
100ft SA DB OH Walking Lunges 35/25#

Open/RX+:11 BMU + 11 Devil's Press (50/35#) + 22 T2B + 100' SA DB OH walk. lunge (50/35#)
Time Domain: 12:00-15:00
This workout is a challenging piece for the shoulders. Expect muscle fatigue to really hit on the 22 toe to bar before heading into the overhead walking lunges. You will need to pace this in the first round to hit round two with consistency.

Pillars of Hercules (BUILD) (Time)

2 Rounds for Time
22 Ring Rows
11 Burpees
11 DB Push Press 25/15#
22 Strict Knee Raises
100ft Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunges 25/15#

Cool Down/Stretch

[after class time today]
2min/2min Elevated Pigeon Stretch
2min Standing Straddle
60sec/60sec Couch stretch
2min/2min Single leg Forward Fold

Accessory Work

Metcon (Weight)

4 Sets, For Quality
10-15 Feet Elevated Inverted Rows
50ft Dual KB OH Carry
1:00 Weighted Plank

Extra Open Prep

Metcon (Time)

For time
Bench Press @ 185/125#
100ft Sled Push between each set (Heavy)

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets, *damper @ 9/8,8/7,7/6
40 Cal Row + R: 90sec
30 Cal Row + R: 60sec
20 Cal Row + R: 30sec
10 Cal Row
R: 3:00 between sets

*gradually build pace to an all out sprint, starting off with the higher damper setting to get more feedback from rower and develop stroke power on the front end and then increase rpm as we get to the 7/6 damper

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