CrossFit WOD, July 8, 2021

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, July 8, 2021



3:00 Bike @ Easy Pace
2-3 Rounds
10/10 Banded Clam Shells
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge
:20sec Hamstring Plank
2 Rounds
10/10 Russian Twists
3 Broad Jumps
10 Alternating Skater Jumps



Back Squat (Find 1RM)

3 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
2 @ 65%
2 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
1 @ 95-97%
1 @ 102-105%

Back Squat (Find 5RM)

Build by feel to a tough set of 5 reps for the day

Specific Prep

1:00 easy bike to flush out legs
2 rounds of
10-12 air squats
5-10 deadlifts (build weight each round)
3/5 cal bike (increase pace each round)



Golden Eye (Time)

For Time: (15 mint FIRM CAP)
42 Air Squats
21 Deadlifts 185/125#
21/15 Cal Bike
30 Air Squats
15/12 Deadlifts 185/125#
15 Cal Bike
18 Air Squats
9 Deadlifts 185/125#
9/7 Cal Bike

Open/RX+: 225/155#
CC: Threshold/PUSH
Time Domain: 8:00-12:00

"Golden Eye" is all about those legs. We should really expect to hit some major burn here as we get into the round of 15 Deadlifts and you will be fighting lactate into that final round of air squats, deadlifts, and assault bike.

Golden Eye (BUILD) (Time)

For Time: (15 min FIRM CAP)
42 Air Squats
21 Deadlifts 135/95#
21/15 Cal Bike
30 Air Squats
15/12 Deadlifts 135/95#
15 Cal Bike
18 Air Squats
9 Deadlifts 135/95#
9/7 Cal Bike

Cool Down/Stretch

2min Pigeon Stretch (each side)
2min Weighted Standing Straddle
1min couch stretch (each side)
2min Single leg Forward Fold (each side)

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