CrossFit WOD, June 7, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, June 7, 2022



AMRAP 10:00
90s row easy to moderate pace
5 Squat to stands
5 air squats
5/5 Thoracic Bridge
5/5 Push up to side plank

Specific Prep

Wall Ball Shots: Every Squat needs to below parallel today. Even if you have to go lighter on WB, or shoot to a lower target or do less reps...make every rep a full squat.
5 wall ball Front squats w/2s pause at bottom
5 WB shots

Deadlift: Stand each rep all the way up today.
5 empty bar RDLs
W/ lighter than workout weight
8-10 deadlifts
W/ workout weight
5-8 Deadlifts

Wall Walk: Chest to ground and hands touching "wall" tape line
1 practice rep



Double Dragon (Time)

For Time (25:00 Time Cap)
60-40-20 Calorie Row
30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14#)
15-10-5 Deadlift (185/135)
5-3-1 Wall Walk

OPEN (RX+): Deadlift (225/155#) / 7-5-3 Wall walks
CC: Push/Threshold

SCORING: if you do not complete all the reps under the time cap, add 1 second for each rep left.

We will re-test this benchmark workout at the end of this short cycle (in 4 weeks)
BIG FOCUS this week is PERFECT reps, so slow down a bit and make sure your reps are 100%. This is a longer workout so it's perfect to dial back a notch and execute full ROM reps.
Save a little for that last round by pacing the first round a little.
Deadlift weight should be on the lighter/moderate side for you, we don’t want to get buried on them for this one

Double Dragon BUILD (Time)

For Time (25:00 CAP)
40-30-20 Calorie Row
30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots (14/10#)
15-10-5 Deadlift (135/95#)
5-3-1 Inch Worm + Push Up

Cool Down/Stretch

1:00/1:00 Foam Roll quads
2:00 Foam roll back
30s/30s standing quad stretch

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