CrossFit WOD, March 16, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, March 16, 2022




10:00 AMRAP
1:00 KB 90/90 Hip Flow
10 Alternating Scorpion Stretch (5/5)
10 Samson Walking Lunge (5/5)
:15/:15 Overhead Tricep Stretch

Specific Prep


5:00 Quality Practice as Coach Led
-High Hang Muscle Clean + Front Squat + 1 and ¼ Front Squat
-Hang Muscle Clean + 1 and ¼ Front Squat + Tall Squat Clean
-Low Hang Muscle Clean + Front Squat + High Hang Squat Clean
*Add Loads
Pause Clean Pull + Slow Squat Clean + Squat Clean



Squat Clean (3 Sets of 3-3-2-1)

3 Reps @ 70% + Rest 45s
3 Reps @ 75% + Rest 45s
2 Reps @ 80% + Rest 60s
1 Rep @ 82%(+)
R: 2:00 b/s

The goal here is to hit some Clean Waves in order to feel more consistent at higher percentages. By dropping the weight back down and then ramping back up we can build more and more consistency in the top end ranges by reinforcing technique at the lower weights.

Power Clean (3 Sets of 3-3-2-1)

3 Reps @ 70% + Rest 45s
3 Reps @ 75% + Rest 45s
2 Reps @ 80% + Rest 60s
1 Rep @ 82%(+)
R: 2:00 b/s

Hang Power Clean (3 Sets of 3-3-2-1)

build over each set by feel BUT keep PRIORITY in form

Specific Prep


Put up bar and prep for WOD


Catch Me If You Can (Time)

For Time (TIME CAP 8:00)
40/34 Cal Bike
30 Burpees to Target 6’’
Open/RX+: 50/40 Cal Bike

Time Domain: 4:00-7:00
The name here says it all! How fast are you willing to push the bike knowing that you have 30 burpees to finish the round. This is a pure sprint workout with the idea of selling out on the bike and seeing if you can hang onto the run.

Catch Me If You Can Build (Time)

For Time (TIME CAP 8:00)
40/34 Cal Bike
30 Burpees to Target 6’’

Cool Down/Stretch

30sec Thread the needle stretch (each side)
1min pigeon pose (each side)

Accessory Work

Metcon (Weight)

3 Sets
Inverted Rows (50% of max set)
DB Upright Rows x10
DB Rear Delt Flys x8
DB Bicep Curls x10
Deadhang :30
Rest :60

EXTRA Competitor WOD

Front Squat (@00X0; 8:00 EMOM; 3 Reps @ 60%)

*Done as fast as possible

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for Time

30 GHD Sit-Ups
5/4 Rope Climbs

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