CrossFit WOD, May 27, 2021

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, May 27, 2021



Core and Conditioning Warm-Up
2 Rounds
10 Squat to Stands
:45sec Plank
:30sec Hollow Hold
5:00 EMOM
7/5 Cal Row
3-5 Burpees
*every minute add 1 calorie each round
Quick 5:00 to teach a good KB clean and KB clean +OH



Veronica Corningstone (Distance)

36:00 AMRAP
Row for Meters
Every 4:00 complete a carry, alternating between
a) 200m Farmers Carry (35s/25s)
b) 100m Dual KB FR Carry
c) 50m Dual KB OH Carry

a) Farmer Carry (35s/25s)
b) 1:00 plank hold
c) Front Rack Carry (35s/25s)

OPEN (RX+): KBs (53/35#)

Cool Down/Stretch

2:00 Foam Roll Lower Back to Upper Thoracic
1:00/1:00 Foam Roll Lats
:30sec/:30sec Glute Smash out
1:00 Foam Roll Quads

Accessory Work

Metcon (Time)

Core Conditioning
4 Rounds
:30sec V-Ups
:30sec Rest
:30sec Russian Twists
:30sec Rest
:30sec Hollow Rocks
:30sec Rest
:30sec Hollow Hold
:30sec Rest

Sex Panther (Time)

Sex Panther
For Time
15/12 Ring Muscle-Ups
100ft Handstand Walk
25 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
100ft Handstand Walk
15/12 Burpee Ring Muscle-Ups

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