CrossFit WOD, October 17, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, October 17, 2022



6:00 of
5 squat to stands + single Arm OH reach
5/5 knee hug + lunge + twist
5/5 push up + side rotation
15s jump rope

Specific Prep

W/ empty barbell
5 good mornings
5 elbow rotations
5 hang muscle clean
5 front squat w/ 1s pause at bottom
Build in 1-2 more set to starting weight



Front Squat (@ 21X1; 4,4,3,3; every 3:00)

build each set AND from previous week

Front Squat (@ 2111; 6-8 x 4 sets; every 3:00)

build from previous week as form allows

Specific Prep

3/3 box step ups
3 box jumps
3 box jump overs
5 muscle clean
5 push press
5 thrusters
build to workout weight



Voltron (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 13:00 @ 85-90%
9 Thrusters (75/55#)
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
15/12 Cal Row

OPEN(RX+): Thrusters (95/65)CC: PUSH/THRESHOLD
Look to keep Thrusters unbroken and controlled -or- in 2 sets
We are continuing to push our pace to find that true MAXIMUM SUSTAINABLE pace, so reach a bit today and start to bump that pace up from last couple weeks
Row should be a bit more than moderate, but not so hard that it slows you down moving on to the snatches each round

Voltron (BUILD) (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 13:00 @ 85-90%
9 Thrusters (45/33#)
12 Box Step Overs (24/20")
12/10 Cal Row

Recovery/Endurance Builder

(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
90s PVC Power Snatch - SLOW/EASY REPS (think 1 rep every 5-10s)
EMOM 5:00
12s jump squats
45s slow easy air squats - just don't stop moving
3-5:00 EASY jog -or- bike -or- row

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