CrossFit WOD, October 19, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, October 19, 2022



6:00 @ warm up pace
10 PVC pipe pass throughs
20s/20s PVC external shoulder rotation stretch
5/5 single leg glute bridge
5/5 side plank clamshells
5 PVC OHS slow and controlled

Specific Prep

W/ empty bar or PVC pipe
5 good mornings
5 BTN snatch grip Push press
5 snatch grip RDLs
5 hang Muscle Snatch
5 Snatch Drops to power position



Power Snatch (5 (TnG) reps x 7-10 sets; rest 1-1:30 (in 15:00))

** We are building volume here NOT LOAD.
*All sets at same weight, should be on lighter side, focusing on breathing and efficiency of cycling the barbell.
* Use same weight as Week 1 if that went well or adjust up or down based on how that week went.

Overhead Squat (@21X1; build to a tough set of 4 reps in 12:00)

BUILD in load from Week 1

Hang Power Snatch (5 reps x 7-10 sets; rest 1-1:30)

USE PVC pipe /empty bar -OR- LIGHT load

Overhead Squat (@2111; 6-8 reps x 3-4 sets (in 12:00))

* PVC pipe/empty bar or LIGHT load
* BUILD in load from Week 1



Saved by the Bell (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

6/leg Goblet Box Step Downs (45/25#)
10m Front Rack KB Carry (RIGHT)
6/arm KB Row (45/25#)
10m Front Rack KB Carry (LEFT)

AMRAP 10:00
6 Alt. Pistols
10m Single KB Front Rack Carry (53#) RIGHT
2 Muscle Ups
10m Single KB Front Rack Carry (LEFT)
CC: SKILLS pacing today
GOAL: Work progressions or practice some gymnastics movements you want to improve on
pistol progressions, Muscle up progressions for any level as an option today

Saved by the Bell (BUILD) (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 10:00
4/leg Box Step Downs @31X1
10m Single KB Goblet Carry
5/5 Single Arm Ring Row @2010
10m Single KB Goblet Carry

Recovery/Endurance Builder

(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
60s bent over PVC Row
3-5:00 run slow as needed just no walking

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