CrossFit WOD, October 20, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, October 20, 2022



5:00 @ warm up pace
10 walking lunges
5/5 crossbody single leg RDL (w/ DB in one hand)
20s goblet squat hold
5/5 single arm strict press
5/5 single arm DB thruster

Specific Prep

W/ lighter set of DBs
12 lunges and 6 Push press
W/ workout weight
4-6 lunges + 3-5 push press



Metcon (Weight)

Every 2:30 x 4 sets:
12 Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunges
6 Dual DB Shoulder to OH

* Same weight for all sets; choose a challenging weight, but one you can complete the entire complex unbroken
* SCORE is weight of DB used

Specific Prep

Pull Ups
20s passive hnag
20s active hang
15s scap pull ups
15s kip swings
1-2 sets of 3-6 reps of kipping/CTB/Strict Pull Ups
1-2 sets of unbroken Power cleans at workout weight


A note on intent for today's Metcon:
We are focusing on building volume on kipping Pull Ups, so the best way to approach this workout is choose a rep # you can do unbroken each round. This week we are doing descending reps within each round, so think 9 reps to start, then 6 reps after PC's and then 3 reps to finish round. We will then be trying to build on that week to week.

Quantum Leap (4 Rounds for reps)

4 rounds with EVEN Times (TIME CAP 20:00)
"x" Pull Ups
8 Power Cleans (95/65)
"x" Pull Ups
15 Wall Ball Shots
"x" Pull Ups

REST 2:00

* We are looking for quick unbroken sets of pull ups here, descending through the round.
Great at Pull Ups = 9-6-3 Pull Ups
Pretty Good at Pull Ups = 6-4-2
Not great at Pull Ups = 2-4 reps each set and stick with same number all the way through

The idea being you choose a rep scheme you can get some good sets in through the 4 rounds.

4 rounds with EVEN Times
9 CTB Pull Ups
8 Power Cleans (115/75)
6 CTB Pull Ups
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14#)
3 CTB Pull Ups

*same idea on CTB for RX+, choose rep #s you can challenge yourself with unbroken sets, if 9-6-3 is not do-able for you, choose reps that are.

GOAL: Each round 2-3:00 AND keep every round within 5s
Choose weight on PC's that you can go fast/unbroken

Quantum Leap (BUILD) (4 Rounds for reps)

4 rounds with EVEN Times (20:00 Time Cap)
9 Banded strict Pull Ups
8 Hang Power Cleans (65/45)
6 Banded strict Pull Ups
15 Wall Ball Shots (14/10#)
3 Banded strict Pull Ups

*same idea on banded pull ups for BUILD: choose rep #s you can challenge yourself with unbroken sets. If 9-6-3 is not do-able for you, choose reps that are, or opt for a modification option below:

Modifications for Pull Ups: band assisted, toenail kipping/jumping pull ups, or ring rows


OPTIONAL Aerobic Conditioning / Active Recovery Workout

Golden Girls (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

30:00 to 60:00 at EASY PACE
2:00 bike
10m/arm bottoms up KB carry (light/controlled)
2:00 Row
20-30s plank in rings

For those that have it, use your easy pace for row and match that "feel for the bike and other movements)

Recovery/Endurance Builder

(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
EMOM 5:00
12s plate sit ups - FAST
45s slow/unweighted sit ups - easy pace just don't stop
3:00 run slow as needed just no walking

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