3 Sets, for Quality
1:00 Bike
10 PVC Pipe Passthroughs
15sec Dead-Hang+ :15sec Active Hang
5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Strict Press
5 Overhead Squats
Specific Prep
Tempo OHS @3311 x 5 reps (w/ empty bar
5 snatch balance on Coaches call
each rep land a little lower starting from ¼ squat with 1st rep to full depth squat for last rep
Build to opening weight
Snatch Balance + OHS (Every 90sec x 9 Sets)
(3 Waves)
1+3, @ 72%
1+2, @ 77%
1+1, @ 82%
*increase weight across and between waves, percentages are just starting percentages.
% are based off snatch balance. If you don't have a 1RM Snatch Balance use your 1RM Snatch
BUILD: Use empty bar or PVC or light weight
The D.E.N.N.I.S. System (Time)
2 Sets (FIRM TIME CAP 18:00 total clock time
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Power Clean and Push Jerk 75/55#
30 Air Squats
R: 60sec
9/7 Cal Bike
9 Power Snatch 75/55#
18 Air Squats
R: 2:00 b/s
Open/RX+: (95/65#)
Time Domain: 5:00-6:00 per set with 1:00 rest included
GOALS here are moving FAST and WELL with light loads
ALL sets should be unbroken and fast, choose loads to make this possible
Push HARD on the first part and VERY HARD on second part
Flow of one round:
15 cal bike + 15 HPC & PP + 30 squats + rest 1:00 + 9 cal bike + 9 HPS + 18 squats + rest 2:00
The D.E.N.N.I.S System (BUILD) (Time)
2 Sets
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Hang Power Clean and Push Press 45/35#
30 Air Squats
R: 60sec
9/7 Cal Bike
9 Hang Power Snatch 45/35#
18 Air Squats
5:00 AMRAP
5 Plate Front Raises
10 Plate Bicep Curls
5 Plate Presses
Load: 15/10#
Open: 25/15#
Build: 10/5#