CrossFit WOD, February 17, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, February 17, 2022



3:00 Rowing Completed as 3 sets…
:15sec Arms Only Rowing
:15sec Body + Arms Rowing
:15sec Legs + Body (no arms)
:15sec Full Stroke
2 Rounds
20 Glute Bridges
:20/:20 Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
:20/:20 Side Plank
1:00 Plank

Specific Prep

How to clean 2 KBs



The Haunted Palace (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

30:00 AMRAP
250/200m Row
100ft Dual KB Front Rack Carry 45/25#
250/200m Row
200ft Farmers Carry 45/25#
250/200m Row
100ft Mixed Grip carry (1 KB OH and 1 KB in FR - switch sides at 50')
Max Effort Dead-Hang

30:00 AMRAP
250/200m Row
100ft Dual KB Front Rack Carry 53/35#
250/200m Row
200ft Farmers Carry 53/35#
250/200m Row
100ft Mixed Grip carry (1 KB OH and 1 KB in FR - switch sides at 50')
Max Effort Dead-Hang
Goal is 4 Rounds, trying to get 4+ minutes of hanging
*score = total seconds hanging

This is a great little steady state piece that will focus on the grip, core, and breathing. Can you maintain a smooth even stroke on the rower, quality tension through the midline, and maintain an even controlled breath throughout this piece? That is the focus and goal today!

The Haunted Palace (BUILD) (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

250/200m Row
100ft Dual KB Front Rack Carry 35/18#
250/200m Row
200ft Farmers Carry 35/18#
250/200m Row
100ft Mixed Grip carry (1 KB FR and 1 KB at side (farmer carry) - switch sides at 50')
Max Effort Dead-Hang

Cool Down/Stretch

2 Rounds Through
Right Leg + Left Leg
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Low Lunge
:15 Elbow to Knee and Rotate
:15sec Reach to Sky and Hold
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
:30sec Half Pigeon

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