CrossFit WOD, February 2, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, February 2, 2022



6:00 AMRAP
10 Barbell Good mornings
10 Behind the Next Strict Press
6 Inchworm Push-Ups
20 Alternating Bird-Dogs
:20sec/:20sec Side Plank

Specific Prep

Build to starting weights:
(percentages are based off your Push Press 1RM)
Power Clean + Push Press: 3-3 @40%, 3-3 @50%, 3-3 @60%
rest 1:00 between



Power Clean + Push Press (1.7, 1.7, 1.5, 1.5, 1.3, 1.3; Every 2:00 )

1 Power Clean + 7 Push Press x 2 Sets
1 Power Clean + 5 Push Press x 2 Sets
1 Power Clean + 3 Push Press x 2 Sets
*start @ 65% of your push press and increase loads

Hang Power Clean + Push Press (2.7 x 6 sets; every 2:00)

Eeaech set is 2 Hang Power Cleans + 7 Push Press

Specific Prep

3 rounds - building to workout weights and pacing:
5 Deadlifts
3 HSPU (BUILD Tall Kneeling DB Press)
1 Power Clean
10 Air Squats



Proximo (2 Rounds for reps)

6:00 AMRAP + 3:00 Rest x 2 Sets
15 Deadlifts 155/105#
10 Handstand Push-Ups
5 Power Cleans 155/105#
30 Air Squats

Open/RX+: 205/145#
Goal: 2+ Rounds per 6:00 AMRAP
Start over at the beginning on the second 6:00 AMRAP. We are looking for unbroken sets on the deads, quick sets on the handstand push-ups as unbroken or 5-5 and then moving into quick singles on the power cleans before moving to smooth tempo air squats.

Proximo (BUILD) (2 Rounds for reps)

6:00 AMRAP + 3:00 Rest x 2 Sets
15 Deadlifts 95/65#
10 Tall Kneeling DB Press 25/15#
5 Hang Power Cleans 95/65#
20 Air Squats

Cool Down/Stretch

[after class time]
2min Barbell Adductor Stretch
1min Barbell Foam Roll Thoracic Extension
1min Scorpion Stretch (each side)
30sec Thread the needle stretch (each side)
1min pigeon pose (each side)

Accessory Work

Metcon (Weight)

4 Sets, For Quality
10-12 Dual DB Bench Press
10 DB Pull-Overs
R: as needed b/s


4 Sets, For Quality
10/10 Single Leg Hip Extensions
10/10 Dual DB Staggered Stance Romanian Deadlifts
R: as needed b/s

Extra Open Prep

Back Squat (@20X1; 3-3-3-3-3; rest 2-3:00)

3 Sets x 3 Reps @ 85%
3 Sets x 2 Reps @ 90%

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