CrossFit WOD, February 7, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, February 7, 2022



Up [3:00-15:00]
8:00 EMOM
min 1: Cardio Choice
min 2: 8/8 Single Leg Pistol Step-Downs
min 3: 10 KBS + 10 Goblet Squats
min 4: :20/:20 Pallof Press Hold

Specific Prep

Front Squat: 5x40-50%, 5x50-60%, 5x60-70%, 5x70-80%



Front Squat (@10X1; 5-3-3-3-3; every 2:30 x 5 sets)

5 Reps @ 90% of 5RM
3 Reps @ 95% of 5RM
3 Reps @ 100%
3 Reps
3 Reps
*Increase on last 2 sets to 3RM, could stay same across if weights are feeling heavy this week.

Front Squat (@10X1; build to a 3RM in 5 sets; every 2:30 )

Front Squat (@2011; 5-5-5-5-5; building from last week)

Specific Prep

Coach led Pistol Progressions/practice
W/ Light weight/Empty bar
High Hang High Pull
High Hang Muscle Snatch
High Hang Power Snatch
Hang High Pull
Hang Muscle Snatch
Hang Power Snatch
Add weight and take it from the floor working on quick cycling as either TnG Reps or Quick Singles

Goal here is to allow athletes to have some time to warm-up the snatch as well as play with the specific modifications they will need for the pistols.



Sgt. Doakes (Time)

6 Rounds for Time (10:00 TIME CAP)
24 Air Squats
6 Power Snatch 95/65#

Open/RX+: 12 Pistols / PS (135/95#)
Time Domain: 5:00-9:00
This is supposed to be a quick, hard-hitting workout that will help to develop pacing while barbell cycling and at the same time add volume for the legs, specifically unilaterally with the pistol squat, or modification of the pistol.

Sgt. Doakes (BUILD) (Time)

6 Rounds for Time
18 Air Squats
6 Hang Power Snatch 45/35#

Cool Down/Stretch

60sec/60sec Scorpion Stretch
60sec/60sec Single Leg Forward Fold
1min Prayer Stretch

Accessory Work

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

A. Snatch Grip Sotts Press; 3 Sets x 5 Reps
B. Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrust; 3 Sets x 10/10
C. Side Plank Banded Rows; 3 Sets x 10/10

Extra Open Prep

Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Squat Snatch (1.1.1 x x 5 Sets; R: 75-90sec b/s)

* All sets @ 70% of limiter movement
* Really work the receive position on the power snatch today and drive under the bar at a 4'' drop, but back chest tall.

Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds for Time
400m Run
30 GHD Sit-Ups
400m Run
60 Wall Balls 20/14#
400m Run
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Wear a weight vest for extra fun

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