CrossFit WOD, May 11, 2021

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, May 11, 2021



Shoulder Warm-Up
2 Rounds
1:00 Row
A-T-Y-W x 8 Reps (each) with 2.5-5# Plates
Scapular Pull-Ups x 10 Reps
Kip Swings x 10 Reps
V-Outs x 10 Reps
Hollow Rocks x 10 Reps
3 Strict Press w/ empty bar @3112
3 Strict Press w/ some weight @2011
Build to your 60%



Strict press (@10X1; EMOM 10:00; 4-4-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2)

Sets 1-5: 4 reps x 60% of 1RM
Sets 6-8: 3 reps x 70% of 1 RM
Sets 9-10: 2 reps x 80% of 1RM

Strict press (@10X1; EMOM 10:00; 8-8-8-8-8-6-6-6-4-4)

Sets 1-5: use a lighter weight
Sets 6-8: add 10-15%
Sets 9-10: add another 5-10%

Specific Prep

Handstand Push Ups -
Keep it simple, either RX, with abmats, Ring Push Ups or DB press. If they are familiar with the box/pike version that is also an acceptable sub, but let’s not spend class time teaching that option.
15-20s Handstand Hold -or- Dbl. DB OH hold
1-3 eccentric HSPU (3-4s lower) (same eccentric for ring push ups or DB presses)
2-4 HSPU

Row –
Because of the upper body demand for the HSPU or push up variation, let’s work to make the row leg powered today.
Row 30s easy pace to find a comfortable moderate stroke rate
Row 30s moderate pace – note stroke rate
Row 30s HARDER – NOT FASTER meaning more power but keep stroke rate close to the same. We can get there by keeping our stroke rate the same but putting more power into each stroke with our leg drive.


[38 – 53:00]

The Chairman (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Sets - 2:00 AMRAP
20/16 Cal Row
Max Handstand Push-Ups

1:00 Rest

OPEN (RX+): For HSPU you will alternate between strict and kipping: Rounds 1, 3, 5 are strict, Rounds 2,4 kipping.
• CC: Threshold/Push
• Let’s aim to push on the HSPUs (Pike Push Ups, DB Press, Ring Push Ups
• The row is meant to take in the range of 50s-70s. If it takes longer than that we suggest scaling the row to allow at least 45sec of OH work.
• ROW MODIFICATION: 16/13 cals
• HSPU: For "RX" looking for kipping or strict, but hands and head are on level surface.
1) Add up to 2 abmats for those working on ROM in HSPU.
2) Box Pike HSPU
3) Ring Push Ups
4) DB Strict Press
• Anyone with limitations overhead should scale to ring push-ups and even ring rows if pressing really hurts all the way around

The Chairman (BUILD) (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Sets - 2:00 AMRAP
12/10 Cal Row
Max DB Strict Press (30/20)

1:00 Rest

Cool Down/Stretch


Cool Down + Shoulder Mobility
30sec 90/90 Shoulder Slide (each side)
30sec Banded Lat Distraction (each side)
30sec Banded Tricep Stretch (each side)
1min Prayer Stretch
x 2 Sets if time

Conditioning EXTRA

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)


4 Sets x 7 minute AMRAP
500m/400m Row
35/25 Cal Bike
500m/400m Row
Max Cal Bike

Rest 3:00 minutes after each set

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