CrossFit WOD, May 31, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, May 31, 2022




2 Rounds
1:00 single unders
10 Squat to stands w/ Thoracic Rotation
5 push up to down dog
10 Plank March

Specific Prep


With empty bar:
5 good mornings
5 front squats
5 no dip muscle clean
5 segmented clean DL w/ 2s pause at each stop
add some weight:
2 Segmented Clean Deadlifts
2 Clean High Pulls
3 Power Cleans (drop and reset after each rep)
3 Hang Power Cleans
build to opening weight of 60-70% of Clean 1RM


[22-32:00 / 32-42:00 / 42-52:00]

Segmented Clean Deadlift + Clean High Pull (2.1 x 5 sets; every 2:30)

Build in loading each set with goal of ending around 75-85% of Clean 1RM

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Jerk (1.1 x EMOM 10:00)

All sets @ 60-70% of Power/Hang Power Clean 1RM

Power Clean (1 rep every 30s x 20 sets)

All sets @ 50-60% of Power Clean 1RM

Goal: Really honing in on movement mechanics today

Cool Down/Stretch


Wrists stretch 30s/30s
Foam Roll Lats 1:00/1:00
Foam Roll Upper back 2:00
Thoracic Rotation x 5/direction

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