CrossFit WOD, September 24, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, September 24, 2022




2-3 Rounds
:30sec Jump Rope
25ft Quadruped Crawl
20sec Reverse Plank
10 Ring Rows
8 Barbell RDLs
Quadruped Crawl
Reverse Plank

Specific Prep


Rope Climb Technique:

-Pull to Stand
-Seated Rope Climb Foot Grab
-Jump and get foot hold
-Jump and Cut
-Jump, Cut, and Reach
-Put it all together
*for those that have the rope climb, lets work on building in a faster descent for this one, as well as working to get to rope in less pulls to the top.

Prep for WOD



Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Time)

In Teams of 3 For Time, Split evenly
180 Double Unders
60 Bench Press 95/65#
60 Deadlifts 225/155#
90 Push-Ups
18 Rope Climbs
24 Wall Walks
*one partner must be holding plank in order for reps to be completed, this means one partner is working and one partner is resting

Time Cap: 30:00

Open/RX+: 240 Double Unders, BP 135/95, DL 315/205, 120 Push Up, 30 Rope Climbs, 30 Wall Walks

*Today, we have a chipper style workout in teams of 3, the goal here is to stay consistent and have someone always completing reps to get through this workout! It should be a challenge and the most challenging components today should be those deadlifts, rope climbs, and wall walks. Expectation are sets of 40 on the double unders, sets of 10 on the bench press, sets of 3-5 on the deadlift, sets of 10 on the push-ups, quick rotations on the ropes as 1-1-1, then same on the wall walks for 1-1-1. Ideally for the wall walks you have a partner holding a plank while one partner does wall walk, then the partner holding the plank goes into the wall walk and so one until 30 reps are complete.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (BUILD) (Time)

In Teams of 3 For Time, Split evenly
200 Single Unders
50 Bench Press @ Light weight (65/45)
50 Deadlifts @ moderate weight (135/95)
50 Elevated Push-Ups
50 Supine Grip Ring Rows
20 Inch worm -or- 10 Wall Walks

Cool Down/Stretch


2:00 Seated Forward Fold
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Supine Lower Back Truck Rotation
1:30 Elevated Prayer Stretch w/ PVC
1:00/1:00 Big Turn Back Stretch

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