8:00 EMOM
1: :45 Bike (Moderate)
2: 15 Air Squats
3: :40 Tempo RDLs (3030)
4: 5 Seated Box Jump (Step Down) - Ascending Height each round
Specific Prep
EMPTY bar to start:
5 muscle cleans + 5 front squats + 3 power cleans + 3 squat cleans
Build to opening weight in 2-3 sets
Power Clean + Squat Clean (1.1 x 10 sets; every 75s)
*start @ 60-70% of Power Clean
increase to a heavy
Squat Clean (EMOM 5:00 x 1 rep)
*start @ heavy from above and either go for max or stay at heavy for 5 Squat Clean Singles
hang power clean + front squat (1.2 x 10 sets; every 75s)
Build as form allows to a tought set
Hang Power Clean (EMOM 5:00 x 1 rep)
Build to a tough single
Specific Prep
3/3 box step ups
3/3 box jumps w/ step down
Build to DL weight for metcon in 1-3 sets
Game Over (Calories)
10:00 AMRAP
Partner 1: Max Cal Air Bike
Partner 2: Complete
10 Deadlifts 185/125#
15 Box Jumps 24/20''
Open/RX+: 225/155#
*Partners switch when 1 round of 10 Deadlift + 15 Box Jumps is completed
*Score is total calories completed in 10:00
Cool Down/Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
2:00 Seated Straddle
2:00 Saddle Pose
Accessory Work
Metcon (Weight)
3 Sets, For Quality
8/8 Weighted Pistol Step-Downs
8/8 Single Leg Hip Extensions
EXTRA Competitor WOD
Deadlift ((dead stop); 4-4-4-3-2; rest 3-4:00)
4 Reps @ 75%
4 Reps @ 80%
4 Reps @ 80%
3 Reps @ 85%
2 Reps @ 87+%
Bench Press (Find 1RM in 10:00)
REST 3:0 after 10 minutes clock before proceeding to C
30 Bench Press For Time (Time)
Using 80% of 1RM
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 16:00
18/15 Calorie Ski
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
18 GHD Sit-ups